Sunday, November 11, 2012

Louisville's Food Culture

Louisville, Kentucky is definitely on top of good nutrition for it's residents. City gardens and outdoor fruit and  vegetable markets abound during fair weather. Most local restaurants are proud to say their produce in gown within the immediate area. That goes for their wines and Bourbon whiskies too.

In addition, our bed and breakfasts pay very close attention to what they serve our guests. At the Aleksander House, we always use the freshest ingredients and make sure our fruits and vegetables, as well as our breakfasts meats, are not only fresh but of the highest quality.


  1. As an Interim Innkeeper it is always a fun challange to learn to use new local ingrediants.

    1. KR, Thanks for the nice comment. I'm glad you find using new ingredients a challenge. It's a good way to perk up the same old stuff.

    2. Sorry, I meant K.C. Darned computer!
